Cabergoline Indications

Cabergoline Indications

Cabergoline is a medication that is commonly used to treat certain hormonal imbalances in the body. It belongs to a class of medications known as dopamine agonists, which work by reducing the production of a hormone called prolactin. Here are some common indications for cabergoline:


  • Treatment of hyperprolactinemia: Cabergoline is often prescribed to patients with high levels of prolactin in their blood. This condition, known as hyperprolactinemia, can cause a variety of symptoms such as irregular periods, infertility, and breast milk production in men and women.
  • Management of prolactinomas: Cabergoline is also used to treat prolactinomas, which are benign tumors of the pituitary gland that produce prolactin. By reducing prolactin levels, cabergoline can help shrink these tumors and alleviate associated symptoms.
  • Prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): In women undergoing fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), cabergoline may be prescribed to reduce the risk of developing OHSS, a potentially serious complication characterized by enlarged ovaries and fluid accumulation in the abdomen.
  • Restoration of normal menstrual cycles: For women with irregular periods due to hyperprolactinemia or other hormonal imbalances, cabergoline can help normalize menstruation and improve fertility.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How long does it take for cabergoline to start working?
    It may take several weeks for cabergoline to effectively lower prolactin levels and alleviate symptoms. Patients should follow their healthcare provider’s instructions and attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress.
  2. What are the common side effects of cabergoline?
    Some common side effects of cabergoline include nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. It is important to report any unusual or severe side effects to your doctor.
  3. Can cabergoline be taken during pregnancy?
    Cabergoline is not recommended during pregnancy unless specifically prescribed by a healthcare provider. Women should inform their doctor if they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while taking cabergoline.

Overall, cabergoline is a versatile medication with several important indications for treating hormonal imbalances and related conditions. cabergoline buy Patients should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if cabergoline is an appropriate treatment option for their specific needs.